Our Teachers
Lama Linda - Main Teacher

Lama Linda (Linda Hochstetler) has studied both mindfulness meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism for more than a quarter century. She trained in mindfulness meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 90s and studied under Namgyal Rinpoche (the first Canadian-born Rinpoche) from 1995 until his death in 2003. She has received permission to teach in the Namgyal lineage and studied Vajrayana Buddhism with Qapel (Doug Duncan) who resided at Clear Sky Meditation and Retreat Centre in Cranbrook, BC, before his death in 2024. Lama Linda is a registered social worker with a specialty in illness, dying and death. Along with a thriving private practice she has written and been interviewed on the subject of dying and death. In 2021 she authored her first book - 21 Days to Die: The Canadian Guide to End of Life. She is a mother, wife, and friend to many, and encourages students to use their relationships to love deeply and explore dharma fully. She enjoys weaving together her Buddhist practices with Western psychotherapeutic practices to help students make transformative changes in their lives.
Richard Clark - Associate Teacher

Richard has been studying meditation practices for more than 30 years. He first studied with Namgyal Rinpoche and later with Qapel (Doug Duncan) from 2000 until his death in 2024. He has dedicated significant time in Karma Yoga to the Dharma Centre of Canada. He connects strongly with the Vajrayana practices of mantras, visualizations, and also with Theravadin Insight Meditation. He travelled extensively with Sayadaw U Tila Wanta to build Burmese pagodas in three Canadian provinces and in South Africa. He is a master builder and helped construct the Ecological Caretaker Residence (Sky Roots) at the Clear Sky Meditation Centre in BC.
Bat Fung - Associate Teacher

Bat has been studying with Qapel (Doug Duncan) and Catherine Pawasarat since 2003. He brings his wry sense of humour and pragmatic sensibilities to teaching meditation, and enjoys expounding on traditional Buddhists practices as well as interpreting meditation practices for everyday urban life. He brings to life meditation practices for new and old students alike.
Our Lineage
AIT belongs to a branch of the Kargyu school of Vajrayana Buddhism founded by Namgyal Rinpoche, the first Canadian-born Rinpoche. The Namgyal Lineage traces its roots back to the Buddha and includes Lama Linda's late teacher Qapel (Doug Duncan). Qapel is a co-founder along with Catherine Pawasarat Sensei of the Clear Sky Meditation Centre in Cranbrook, BC. The Namgyal Lineage is noted for embracing a wide variety of methodologies and meditation styles, with the goal of helping the practitioner achieve awakening in this lifetime.